Enlightened Courage: the Secret to Training and Transforming your Mind with Wisdom and Compassion.

Enlightened Courage: the secret to training and transforming your mind with wisdom and compassion.
Term 1, 10 Sessions, 7 February – 11 April
Online – Fridays, 9.30am – 11.30am
Featuring teachings from Sogyal Rinpoche, Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche and Patrick Gaffney, this weekly course presents the Mahayana Seven Points of Mind Training. These points lay out a path of formal meditation practice, along with guidelines for extending that practice into everyday life.
These teachings are precious and unique in presenting the entire depth and breadth of the Buddha’s Mahayana teachings succinctly and practically. Mahayana mind training offers an approach to life that is straightforward, grounded in sanity, kindness, and compassion. Yet it also offers a vision that completely transcends our ordinary way of viewing ourselves and others, with an all-encompassing vision of enlightenment.
At the heart of this vision of enlightenment is the view that our innate, fundamental identity is vast, luminous and utterly awake. The Mahayana teachings refer to this as our enlightened heart, or bodhicitta. Enlightenment is nothing other than who we really are. But for most of us, our true nature is like a hidden treasure, concealed behind layers of mental activity and preoccupation. Mahayana mind training helps us give expression to our enlightened heart in everything we think, say and do.
Founded on a practice lineage that has been actively practised for hundreds of years, these teachings are completely relevant to the challenges posed by our modern, globalised life.
10 weekly classes: Friday Mornings, 7 February – 11 April
9.30am – 11.30am Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (11:30pm CET, 5.30pm Thurs US East, 2.30pm Thurs US Pacific)
Online via Zoom
full $200, concession $100
Free for Rigpa subscribers/ members ( please email newcastle@rigpa.org.au to request the subscriber discount code ).
This is the first term of a year-long course. If you wish to join after the first two weeks of a term then please register and pay a pro rata amount by sending an email enquiry to newcastle@rigpa.org.au. If you are a newer student and would like to study this text please email Rigpa Newcastle at newcastle@rigpa.org.au.